Company Profile Organization Chart Reference letter Letter of no litigation proceedings

公司簡介/Company Profile



註冊一般建築承建商 (註冊編號 : GBC 2/2014)
小型工程承建商 - 第1類型 (註冊編號: MWC(P) 586/2010)
電業承辦商 (註冊編號 : 032183)

Buildpro Group set up by a group of building profession included structural engineer Charter Surveyor, Charter Builder, Designer and Experiential Construction Management, etc. We are going to provide most professional services in both consultation and construction. We had developed series of services from the consultation to construction process to minimize client’s expense and catch more market shares.

Buildpro Group Services included full-scale of design services (Interior design, Builder and Structural, etc.), construction (Residence, Offices, Restaurant and Hotel Decoration, etc), A&A (Builder & Structural Consultation, Slope Rectification and Construction Works), and licensing (General Restaurant, Light Refreshment, Food Factory, Liquor, Guest House and Club House Licence, etc.), to provide the most convenience to client.

Registration of General Building Contractor (Registration No.: GBC 2/2014)
Minor Works Contractors - Class 1 (Registration No.: MWC(P) 586/2010)
Registration of Electrical Contractor (Registration No.: 032183)